Military Training Services / Battlefield Effects / Improvised Explosive Device Simulators (IED)
Improvised Explosive Device Simulators (IED)
OPCON has developed several unique styles of Battlefield Blast Simulators.
All simulators are designed and manufactured by the OPCON engineering team. Each is rigorously tested to ensure safe operations and consistent functionality in all climates and terrain.
Our simulators use a mixed gas combination to enhance the signature and report of the device while providing a much greater degree of safety versus other pyrotechnic devices on the market.
The OPCON simulators are classified as a non-pyrotechnic device, allowing greater versatility and employment in any training environment. The design allows for operations in adverse weather environments to include heavy rain, high winds, extreme cold, and desert conditions.
While our simulators DO NOT create a flame or fireball when triggered, natural additives can be used to generate an instant flash for visual effects. This flash addition is essential for night operations and can add realism and increase the dramatic affect of the simulated explosion while maintaining a safe training environment. This design enables all simulators to be utilized in close proximity to mounted and dismounted personnel.